Thursday, March 18, 2010

Erection City

At long last the first major rewrite of Chapter 4 is complete.  I think if this chapter had a subtitle I would call it Erection City, but since it doesn't have a subtitle I won't call it that; yet.

As usual this on is filled with as many pop-culture references as I could manage to stuff in.  The usual suspects like Fight Club, Dr. Who, and Idiocracy are in there, but I also managed to throw back to Myspace (what's a Myspace?) and Pantera.  I also made up a drug called Analpoopacin.  I have no way of knowing, but I assume the side-effects are pretty heinous.

With Act 1 pretty much in the rear view mirror, I'm excited to start rewriting Ch. 5.  It's going to be fun to start building the antagonist and not have to listen to Phoenix cry so much.  Look for it on a blog near you on Friday April 2nd.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The End of the Affair

The End of the Affair by Graham Greene

I thought to myself: I remember.  This is what hope feels like.  Pg. 27

How strange too and unfamiliar to think that one had been loved, that one's presence had once had the power to make a difference between happiness and dullness in another's day.  pg. 91

It's strange to discover and to believe that you are loved, when you know that there is nothing in you for anybody but a parent or a God to love.  Pg. 92

I want ordinary corrupt human love.  Pg. 94

I don't mind pain.  It's their pain I can't stand.  Let my pain go on and on, but stop theirs.  Pg. 126

Even vacancy was crowded with her.  Pg. 176

I hate this body that enjoyed so much, but was inadequate to express what the heart felt.  Pg 199

I wrote at the start that this was a record of hate... O God, You've done enough, you've robbed me of enough, I'm too tired and old to learn to love, leave me alone for ever.  Pg. 211

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Chapter 3...

Finally, I have a finished draft of Chapter 3.  This chapter was a bitch, and I'm still not really happy with it.  The next draft will probably be quite different, but I'm already a week behind schedule and feel like it's time to just move on to Chapter 4.  

I should also admit to stealing - erm uhh - I mean - being inspired by several different sources as I worked on this draft of the third chapter.  Let's see who can spot the references from Lady Gaga, Battlestar Galactica, Hitch, Deep Space 9, and Office Space.  I swear I originated more than I stole borrowed.

I'm optimistic that I will have a completed rewrite of Chapter 4 in two weeks.   Like Chapter 3, it is going to be a major rewrite of at least two, but more likely three, chapters that just aren't that good in their present form.  I've also decided to add another character in order to fill a rather smelly plot hole.

I just said "smelly plot hole," without referencing someone's mom.  It looks like I'm growing up.

Oh, and don't forget to read Identity if you haven't already.