Chapter 7: Draft 02. Done.
This is a pretty long chapter. But that's not the only reason it took so long to finish this draft. Aside from some personal issues in my life over the last few weeks there were significant technical obstacles: Google.
I decided to use the Beta Version of Google Docs. This seemed like a good idea at first. The Goog added a Ruler and better support for comments. Unfortunately they also made it nearly impossible to get your work out of the Beta Docs in any format that's useful. I'm sure it's just a Beta Bug, and I'm a dumb ass for committing hours of work to a Beta. But it still set me back a couple of days. Twice.
In my anger at Google, I attempted to use the Beta of Microsoft Office Live or whatever they call it. It would be really cool, except that you have to use Internet Explorer (I use Chrome) and the the way it saves is really really slow.
In Television news; new episodes of Party Down on airing on Starz. Of course if you have Netflixyou can stream them through your internets Box. Last night's episode with Steve Guttenberg was pure genius. Watch it.